Monday, February 19, 2007

Corazon - More Pictures

Tiger has a great post with pictures from Corazon - check it out here.

Corazon, Valentine's Day

This past Valentine's Day, we held the first Corazon milonga. As per the Weather Channel, it was the worst weather of the year, but tangueros aren't easily scared, and so a bunch of them showed up for the class, taught by Angeles and Michael. The open-level class was a great success, proving one more time the teaching skills of these two amazing dancers.

After class, more and more dancers showed up with snowboots in hand, and everyone hit the dance floor and danced til 1am. Jeanine, our friendly bartender, took special care of the thirsty dancers, who kept coming back for more wine, beer, sodas, or delicious Ben & Jerry chocolate milkshakes!

Lexa Rosean, tango's favorite witch, gave out love spells to everyone, and donated one of her custom candles to the raffle - guaranteed to make everyone fall in love with your dance. Mark won it! (Get in line, ladies!)

Later, Angeles and Michael delivered an awesome performance - these pictures speak for themselves.

Thanks to Tiger for the pictures

Bottom line: thanks to all of you who showed up and danced. You made our first-ever Corazon a great success, and we look forward to seeing you all every Wednesday when Corazon becomes a regular event, beginning March 7.

See you at Studio 101!