Saturday, July 7, 2007

July 11 at Corazon: Claudio Asprea

First of all, thanks to all the great tangueros who made July 4 such a success! The picnic dinner disappeared, the dance floor filled up, and outside the fireworks lit up the sky. Maria Ybarra taught a beautiful combination with sacada, and Alberto Dassieu performed two beautiful dances, a tnago with Jan LaSalle and a very sweet vals with his wife Paulina. (Check out my YouTube channel for the videos!) It was a wonderful party, and a great milonga.

Now check out this week, as Corazon is delighted to welcome Claudio Asprea as the guest teacher July 11. Claudio has some of the fastest feet in Buenos Aires, and is known for his teaching style, which is engaging and relaxed (just like his dancing!), with attention given to the individual dancer.

Claudio will be arriving fresh from Buenos Aires, so see him first on July 11 at Corazon - a taste of Buenos Aires in New York!

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